Fifteen new Aboriginal rangers are being employed to work in national parks across South Australia as part of a $5 million State Budget initiative aimed at increasing Aboriginal management of our natural environment.
The new appointments are a key part of Labor’s election commitment to maintaining, promoting and sustaining traditional cultural sites and practices within parks.
The move aims to put Traditional Owners at the forefront of SA’s parks network, and ensuring their stories are an integral part of visitor experiences.
Other initiatives include:
Increasing the number of co-managed parks
Protecting Aboriginal heritage and cultural sites
Ensuring Aboriginal people have a voice in the future of the River Murray
Labor introduced co-managed parks in 2004, as well as transferring land in a protected area back to Aboriginal people for the first time, in what is now known as the Mamungari Conservation Park.
In a statement released over the weekend, the Malinauskas Government stated that it is committed to honouring the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have played a pivotal role in managing our landscapes for thousands of years.
Dr Susan Close says “Co-management of our state’s parks recognises the importance of Aboriginal customs and knowledge to the proper management of our natural environment.”
“Having more Aboriginal Rangers will help to support culture, story-telling and language, and provide a much richer experience for people visiting our amazing parks.”
Kyam Maher says “Aboriginal people have lived on this land for tens of thousands of years, and they bring a deep knowledge and understanding of our natural environment.
“Giving Aboriginal people a greater say on our national environment is not only the right thing to do but it will also enrich our parks for the enjoyment of everyone.
“These new Aboriginal Rangers will enhance our work in protecting the environment as well as acknowledging the importance of Traditional Owners and their relationship with country.
Aboriginal ranger Jesse Evans says “Having more Aboriginal rangers working in parks will be fantastic.
“I began working with the Department for Environment’s National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) nine years ago through an Aboriginal traineeship program and I’m now a full-time employee working as a ranger based in the Northern Lofty District.
“Working in parks is something I’m passionate about and it will be great to see more Aboriginal rangers out on-park.
“I enjoy working on country and being involved with local community groups, and having my voice heard and being able to make a positive change within the environment and the country that I’m working on.”