Feature Image: Adelaide Zoo
The wait is finally over! Today, Adelaide Zoo’s giant pandas, Yi Lan and Xing Qiu, are ready to meet the public for the very first time. After months of anticipation, the adorable black-and-white duo will be welcoming panda fans to their new home.
Adelaide Zoo made the announcement on Facebook, saying: “From 12:15pm, we would love to see panda-fans, wildlife-lovers and conservation champions come through Bamboo Forest to welcome the black-and-white duo to Adelaide.
“At this stage, the Giant Pandas are still under some restricted conditions and may not have access to their outdoor habitat, but can be seen enjoying their climate-controlled day room.
“We’re currently working through the final stages of this process with Australian authorities and ensuring all regulatory processes are in place before the black-and-white duo can explore their external space in Bamboo Forest.”
Yi Lan and Xing Qiu’s incredible journey began back on December 16th, when they boarded a long-haul flight from Dujiangyan in China to Adelaide. It was no small feat, after arriving at Adelaide Airport, they made their way across the city to their new home at the zoo, adjusting not only to a new environment, but also to a totally different climate in the Southern Hemisphere.
Adelaide Zoo’s Director Dr. Phil Ainsley said the journey went smoothly, with both pandas travelling comfortably throughout the flight. They were accompanied by a Zoos SA veterinarian, a specialist vet, and a panda keeper from the China Conservation and Research Centre for Giant Pandas.
Xing Qiu, the four-year-old male, is described as a handsome and lively guy with a calm, docile personality. His name, which means “star Autumn,” was inspired by the starry sky that lit up the night when he was born.
Then there’s Yi Lan, the three-year-old female, whose name means “idly blissful”. She’s playful, full of energy, and always in a good mood. With her sweet nature and boundless enthusiasm, she’s sure to win over the hearts of the community.
For anyone who has been keenly waiting to see these giant pandas, the moment has finally arrived! Head on over to Adelaide Zoo today from 12:15pm and join in the celebration of these incredible animals.
For more information, visit Adelaide Zoo’s website.
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