Presented by Paul Hoban and Scott Pyle
Reviewed 7 August 2013
This is an unusual collection of works that are a collaboration between established artist Paul Hoban and emerging artist Scott Pyle as a result of meeting at a Tutti show. Whilst I don’t claim to be an art expert, this entire exhibition was interesting and it challenged my traditional view of painting, I found a certain fascination with this work. The Power Rangers and monsters inspire Scott, and together with his mentor Paul, he uses differing techniques to achieve his eye-catching art. The forms are at the same time simplistic, channelling every schoolboy’s doodling of action figures, and also complex, showing interesting and mature use of space and colour. The positioning and use of negative space is particularly appealing.
Working mainly with acrylics, the resulting work is imaginative in its form and use of colour. Some of it is produced with the use of paint skins, which Paul explains is like working back to front, allowing the first marks to end up on the surface, but it makes for an interesting finish bringing a fresh direct quality to the work. The use of paint pens to highlight some areas of the canvas and to create graffiti-like motifs gives more detail to some parts of the painting while more traditional methods can be seen beneath.
The overall effect of these works is childlike, but there is an underlying sophistication which seems at odds. The lack of perceived boundaries frees the work from normal confines. It is playful, colourful and reminds us that art should be fun too.
Reviewed by Fran Edwards
Venue: FELTspace, 12 Compton St. Adelaide
Season: 8-24 August 2013
Photo Credit: Paul_Scott 4 : Photo by Patricia Wozniak – Artwork ‘Big Black Monster Mash #2’
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