Books & Literature

Audiobook Review: Writing to be Understood, by Anne Janzer

NON-FICTION: This book will help you recognise and apply the methods of your favourite non-fiction writers to your own work.

The author practices what she preaches, making the book a primary example of the lessons learned.

Anne Janzer narrates her own book on fine-tuning a non-fiction writer’s skills.

The lessons given are just as valuable for fiction writers as many of the topics bridge both writing professions. Running at just over four and a half hours, this writing guide is an ideal resource that packs a lot of information into one short volume.

One of the most important conversations in this book is one that rarely seems to appear in similar tomes – that of writing about values-based topics and the need to not only know your audience, but their beliefs and opinions. In non-fiction writing, Janzer explains how facts and evidence won’t change an opinion, so the writer must rely on their choice of language and phrasing so as not to disenfranchise those people who may hold opposing views.

She goes on to discuss the need to alternate between theory and examples, exploring the idea of learning through analogies and stories.

Sensory hooks, tone, humour, repetition and style are all tools that Janzer discusses, along with the use of effective imagery in the prose.

The author practices what she preaches, making Writing to be Understood a primary example of the lessons learned. Listen once to learn, then again to notice those lessons in practice. Janzer’s guide to non-fiction writing is practical, sensible and enjoyable.

Reviewed by Rod Lewis
Twitter: @StrtegicRetweet

Distributed by: Audible Australia
Released: August 2019
RRP: $20.83 or $16.45 through a monthly Audible subscription

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