A father discovers old footage of young girls being taught black magic, leading to his daughter becoming trapped by evil supernatural forces...
When newlyweds move into an old mansion in the late 19th Century, the new bride discovers a terror-filled house whose secrets her...
An FBI agent reunites with his childhood friend who is now head of the Irish mafia and finds he must choose between...
In one of the best local productions seen in recent years, this gothic Australian drama explores the inexplicable return of 6 people...
On a mission to Mars, astronaut Mark Watney is caught in an astral storm and abandoned by his crew, leaving him to...
An origin story for JM Barrie's Peter Pan, who is spirited away to Neverland where he must learn why he was taken...
One of the strongest movies about the drug trade, Sicario blurs the line between friend & foe in the drug war between...
Having survived a deadly maze, Thomas and his allies must now uncover WCKD’s dastardly plan by travelling to an obstacle-ridden landscape called...
Season 1 of this prequel series to 'Breaking Bad' is released this month on Blu-ray and DVD, following the early exploits of...
Season 1 of this entertaining medical drama is released on DVD this month, following the night-shift staff and patients at the San...
When the publicity notes says he wears ‘more eyeliner than Cleopatra and creates more drama than the Real Housewives’, then you’d better...
Former mercenary Frank enjoys retirement until a daring bank heist turns out to be more than it seems, and he's forced to...
A married couple unexpectedly meet old school acquaintance who slowly integrates himself into their world with secrets threatening to unravel their lives.
When a World Light Heavyweight champion loses his wife, his life crumbles until his daughter is taken away from him and he...
With the Cold War at fever pitch, an unlikely alliance is formed between Russia and America to stop a criminal organisation with...
Gifted scientist Reed Richards and his crew unwittingly travel to an alternate universe where they inherit strange powers which they use to...
Aged 93 & beginning to lose his memory, retired Sherlock Holmes endeavours to piece together his version of a story that Watson...
Marvel's latest superhero origin story tells of a reformed thief chosen to safeguard secret Ant-Man technology which allows the user to decrease...
Having left his life as a stripper behind, Mike decides to reunite his band of strip-pals to win the main prize at...
In this 5th instalment, John Connor sends his best mate Kyle back in time to protect his mother Sarah, only to find...