HISTORICAL FICTION: Set in Crete during World War II, Alenka, a young woman who fights with the resistance against the brutal Nazi...
FANTASY: After being randomly selected as a human sacrifice, instead of death, Dawsyn finds herself on a quest to save her people...
THRILLER: The unforgettable debut thriller from Jason Rekulak with a twist you simply will not see coming... guaranteed to keep readers up...
FASHION: A gorgeous (and witty) celebration of Princess Diana as inspiring fashion icon from Eloise Moran, LA-based fashion writer and creator of...
SELF-HELP: An inspirational, interactive guide to self-acceptance and self-care from international body confidence advocate Ariella Nyssa.
HISTORICAL FICTION: Girl. Warrior. Heretic. Saint? A stunning feminist reimagining of the life of Joan of Arc, perfect for fans of Cecily...
BIOGRAPHY: The explosive inside story of the Royal Family over the last twenty years from Diana to now - from the bestselling...
Amber Petty is launching her memoir This is Not a Love Song in SA at The Lab this July.
HISTORICAL FICTION: Set against the Suffragette movement, The Trial of Lotta Rae tells the story of a woman who is failed by...
GENERAL FICTON: Beautifully written, heartbreakingly funny and deeply moving, this book has already been compared to The Curious Incident of the Dog...
HEALTH: Scientist and researcher Jessie Inchauspé offers timeless lessons to lower your glucose levels quickly – and for good – without going...
SPIRITUAL: The Chakra Fix is a solutions-led guide to contemporary chakra healing, balancing and cleansing that unblocks energy and answers everyday problems.
ROMANCE: A retelling of the story of Greece's greatest hero Achielles from the point of view of his best friend and partner...
PICTURE BOOK: Our favourite furry friend, Peter Rabbit, is celebrating his 120th birthday with a picture book edition of the original classic...
SA residents can now attend monthly online events hosted by best-selling authors through a new initiative.
SPIRITUAL: A beginner's introduction to angel divination, featuring inspirational words, phrases and techniques to channel your angels.
NON-FICTION: Along with inspirational quotes about dreams and dreaming, you will discover some of the most common meanings behind your dreams
CHILDREN'S: Tales of powerful female figures have been told since the beginning of time and this collection brings together 50 stories from...
HISTORICAL NOVEL: A captivating historical novel based on the true story of Anita Hemmings, the first Black student to attend the prestigious...
The Ascolta Italian Women are launching a second book, Stories from La Tavola. And yes, there will be pizza.