
Barossa Valley organisation The Father’s Farm tackles e-waste while helping disadvantaged youth

Just as e-waste becomes an increasing problem, so is the lack of opportunity for disadvantage kids – The Father’s Farm tackles both of these issues.

Just as e-waste becomes an increasing problem, so is the lack of opportunity for disadvantage kids – The Father’s Farm tackles both of these issues. The Father’s Farm is a nonprofit organisation that aids at-risk youth with opportunities and life skills by simply recycling.

With e-waste becoming a growing problem and ending up in landfill, leaking toxic chemicals, The Father’s Farm offers and promises a safe way to dispose of e-waste with a honourable twist! Not only are they contributing to a more sustainable future, The Father’s Farm dedicate the funds to their John’s Place Program, which contributes to the future of disadvantaged young people.

Based at The Father’s Farm site in Nuriootpa, this program provides children in years 6 and 7 with an opportunity to learn and adopt skills such as cooking, wood and metal work, and mechanics. More importantly, the volunteers at John’s Place program have devoted their time to help the young people in developing emotional and communication skills, preparing them for times in the future which will require that of them. At its essence, this program funded and under the umbrella of the Fathers Farm, and provides a safe place for vulnerable children in Nurioopta and surrounding communities.

Greg, a volunteer at John’s Place states that ‘We are trying to teach them about life skills more than anything else, how to use power drills and electrical equipment to get a certificate for future employment.’

Also partnered with The Father’s Farm is Employment Directions who are a not-for-profit organisation who have dedicated their time to aid people in employment and responding to the needs of disadvantage individuals and communities.

Working closely with leaders at local schools, John’s Program customises the time that students have with them ensuring that the young people involved take the most out of the time they have with the volunteers. Running on Thursdays from 10am – 1pm, the team also provide students with lunch, making the organisation a big part of the lives they help and a core part of the community.

WHERE: 110 Moppa road south, Nuriootpa in the Barossa Valley.
TIMES: Vary – check their Facebook page for the latest updates if you’d like to drop off your e-waste, or get in touch about their program.
MORE INFO: Visit their Facebook page here.

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