As a great wildling once said ‘You know nothing Jon Snow.’ No wait. Wrong Game of Thrones reference. Try again.
As many people many times on the aforementioned show have said, ‘Winter is coming.’ In fact if you’ve done so much as look outside in the last week, you may be thinking it’s already here. And with it comes many things, like sniffles, snottiness, colds and the dreaded flu. Delicious.
So what can you do to ward off these nasties and warm the soul a little more this season? Well, the answer to that is easy: Head to Cold Presse Organic Juicery Bar.
We hear you thinking: ‘What? A juice bar? In winter? Surely not.’ Well think again friends, because this little hot spot is exactly where you should be heading this season.
They have only been open three short months but have already won our hearts. Nestled quietly on Wyatt Street (just off Pirie Street) in the city these guys run by one great motto ‘Let food be thy medicine’.
Rain or shine their focus is to bring nutritious, healthy, local food (and juice) to the public as quick and fresh as possible. So yes, their house made cold pressed (infinitely better for you than the other kind) juices are delightfully refreshing when the sun is beaming, but there’s plenty to keep you cosy in the cold too.
This season we’ll be living on their Farm-Acy Shots. They’re little cold pressed super juice hits, packed to the brim with nutrients, super foods and a bunch of things we can’t pronounce. But luckily they can.
After suffering with illness in their family, Peter and Amanda chose to educate themselves on how a holistic and healthy diet can easily assist our bodies’ overall wellness. The more they researched, the more they appreciated the fresh food lifestyle and further down the rabbit hole they went.
Four years, several educational overseas journeys and a plethora of knowledge in their back pockets and Cold Presse was born.
In addition to juices, and Farm-Acy shots, you can grab a super food smoothie, salads, tarts, frittatas and exceptional winter warmer soups. Most is made in house, the rest supports local small businesses; like Carnevale Coffee Roasters, whose wicked beans make for one mean cuppa.
In days gone by eating healthy meant eating bland, eating boring and missing out on the good stuff. Thankfully, those days are long gone. If you try their Aztec Cookie Dough Smoothie, you’ll see what we mean. Swing by this gorgeous joint for quick, affordable lunches inner city that not only taste divine, but your body (and your personal trainer) will thank you for.