Presented by Adelaide Festival Centre
Reviewed 10 June 2018
With two stellar performers like these there is not much to say that hasn’t been said. Nancye Hayes has been gracing musical stages from her debut as a leading lady in Sweet Charity (1967) to playing Mrs Higgins in My Fair Lady not so long ago. She keeps working, in both musicals and plays, and keeps smiling. Her friendship with Todd McKenney is obvious. They have worked together for many years, since they met playing in 42nd Street. Todd has been an Australian favourite for many years both on Stage and on TV, and he has the same irrepressible optimism.
This show explores their history both together and individually. It contains some lovely moments looking back at triumphs and mistakes; it makes a very interesting conversation. All this is peppered with video of the best (and worst) moments and wonderful performances.
Todd McKenney still has a magnetic personality and Nanceye Hayes still has a beautiful voice and great stage presence. With such a dynamic duo this show can be nothing but entertainment all the way but mixed with some lovely moments of reflection, honesty and poignancy.
If you are a fan of either of these stars, this is a production not to miss.
Reviewed by Fran Edwards
Twitter: @franeds
Rating: 5/5
Venue: Adelaide Festival Centre
Season: 10- 11 June 2018
Duration: 70min
Tickets: $41.90 – $56.90
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