Smokers find love in Hong Kong backyard haze
Twentieth Century Fox and James Cameron today announced that AVATAR: SPECIAL EDITION will be released in cinemas on August 26, in a...
Returning in 2010 to inspire and enthuse senior cinephiles!
Adrien Brody is massively cut in this latest Predator sequel.
Exclusively at Palace Nova Eastend, on Saturday nights!
Screening in Adelaide Exclusively at Palace Nova Eastend Cinemas
Commemorate their historic concerts together on June 22 at the Sonisphere Festival Concert to be beamed via satellite from Sofia, Bulgaria to...
The Australian Writers' Guild (AWG) and the 2011 BigPond Adelaide Film Festival (BAFF) are calling for entries to the fifth biennial INSITE...
Comes to Adelaide July 24 - 25 at Palace Nova Eastend
The screening program will run at the Mercury Cinema every Tuesday night at 6pm for eight weeks beginning on 29 June and...
Ashton Kutcher and Director Robert Luketic to attend Sydney and Melbourne premieres of their upcoming film
Leading personal development author and presenter Michael Rowland comes to Adelaide to present his film 'Being in Heaven'
The second FilmLab round is now open with applications closing 6 September 2010.
One cigarette could change your life....... coming soon to the Mercury
Writer, actor, director Michael Domeyko Rowland will be in Adelaide to conduct question and answer discussions at the following sessions of BEING...
Win your very own, signed copy of the ‘Eclipse’ film script, exclusively imported from the USA.
Sixty years ago, an adventurous man with a pair of wooden boards strapped to his feet and an 8mm-movie camera in his...
The Final Chapter in the Shrek series and in 3D!
Interview with Adelaide Artist James Dodd reveals that Mr Brainwash of "Exit through the Gift Shop" is real
SATC Opening weekend reclaiming #1 status in the Australian Box Office Wars!