Why exactly does receiving flowers truly brighten up your day (and house) every. single. time. Is it the smell? The thought of someone else thinking about you? Or is it the simple fact that they are absolutely beautiful? Whatever it is, there is no denying that we want them. And we especially want them at Valentines Day. *hint hint*
Think of flowers on Valentines Day and we could safely assume you’re picturing red roses. Their passionate colour, elegant form and the fact that we see them in every rom-com, all help this flower truly thrive through the February month. However, Hayley’s Flower Shop have mixed it up this Valentines Day, offering a Romantic Red Fancy Pants option along with their classic range. Oh la la!
The Romantic Red Fancy Pants option is exactly what you’d hope it would be: romantic and fancy all at once! It will feature delicate and exotic cymbidium orchids which represents love, luxury, beauty and strength – essentially, all the things we want this Valentines Day. Featuring a spectrum of flowers from pink through to deep red, this gift truly represents the true layers of love. (And they look absolutely gorgeous, which helps!)
If you are feeling less ‘fancy’ and more ‘classic’ this Valentines Day, then do not fret. Hayley’s Flower Shop will still have you sorted. Classic red roses are available to purchase. As are red foil heart balloons. Each gift a prefect representation of love and luxury.
And if gorgeous flowers and balloons were not enough, Hayley’s Flower Shop are offering a special deal. The first twenty orders of the Fancy Pants Valentines Range will receive a complementary 40cm foil heart valued at $30. But you must make your order by the 31st of January, so be sure to get in quick. It’s never to early to get sorted with your gorgeous florals this Valentines Day.
Head to their website to get your orders in now.
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