
Code red activated as SA starts to sizzle

A state-wide Code Red will be activated to support rough sleepers from 5pm, Friday 8th March to Tuesday 12th March.

With a heatwave hitting the state today and lasting for the duration of the Mad March long weekend, a state-wide Code Red will be activated to support rough sleepers from 5pm, Friday 8th March to Tuesday 12th March.

Specialist Homelessness Services will carry out daily outreach visits to people sleeping rough in the CBD, the Parklands and North Adelaide. During Code Red, the services will ensure people know where they can get shelter in the city and help them to access it.

Anyone who is homeless, or at risk of homelessness in other parts of South Australia is encouraged to contact Homeless Connect SA on 1800 003 308 for information about local supports and services.

The Westcare Centre, at 11/19 Millers Court in Adelaide, will be open from Saturday to Monday for overnight accommodation from 5pm until 7am.

Rough sleepers are encouraged to take the opportunity to stay cool and hydrated as temperatures rise.

In addition to Code Red, isolated, elderly and other vulnerable South Australians at risk from extreme heat are being urged to register for free welfare checks offered by Red Cross. The State Government has partnered with Australian Red Cross to deliver the Telecross REDi service.


  • Drink regularly: even if you don’t feel thirsty. Water is the best option. Avoid alcohol, tea, coffee and sugary or fizzy drinks as they make dehydration worse.
  • Eat little and often: rather than large meals. Try to eat more cold food, particularly salads and fruit, which contain water.
  • Stay indoors: in the coolest rooms of your house or in the shade during the hottest part of the day.
  • Take cool showers and splash yourself with cold water several times a day, particularly your face and the back of your neck. A loose cotton damp cloth or scarf on the back of the neck can help you stay cool.
  • Air flow: make sure there is sufficient air circulation, either from an air conditioner or by leaving a secured window or door open.
  • Find the shade: if you must go out, stay in the shade. Wear hat and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes, preferably made of natural fibres. Wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 30+ to exposed skin. If you will be outside for some time, take plenty of water with you.
  • Look out for your neighbours: if you know someone who might be susceptible to heat stress, stop by and make sure they know what to do to stay cool.

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