Gin lovers of Australia, we present to you the newest delicious addition to the #AustralianChristmasGin experience, and possibly the best Christmas pudding ever. How can we be so sure, you ask? Because this pudding is actually MADE with Four Pillars Australian Christmas Gin, as well as the gin-steamed oranges from their Rare Dry Gin distillations. Mind blown…
These exquisite puddings have been made by Elisha Webber, former Healesville local and owner of Silver Penny Puddings. And she works this merry magic by soaking the pudding fruit in the Four Pillars Christmas gin for an entire week. That gin-soaked fruit is then hand-mixed with pureed gin-steamed oranges, combined with the rest of the pudding ingredients, and steamed for four hours.
And on Saturday 4 November, you’ll be able to purchase one, all packaged up beautifully in their 2017 Australian Christmas Gin artwork, ready to enjoy with an extra drizzle of gin over the top. Make sure you’re subscribed to the Four Pillars website’s mailing list in anticipation of next week’s releases, gin elves! Not long now…
The Australian Gin Advent Calendar Of Your Dreams Has Arrived
Red October Arrives At Gilbert Place With Hidden Basement Bar
FIRST LOOK: Club Aperol Pop-Up Bar