In this day and age, being Eco-conscious is no longer just some green ideal embraced by tree huggers in the time they spend between cultivating organic kale for sale at the local artisan produce market and back yard sessions of nude yoga. It is a set series lifestyle choices being embraced across the country, evolving beyond a mere do-gooder trend to be not only Pinterest fodder, but also the driving force behind some of the most popular television shows of the last decade.
That may seem like an odd barometer for such a movement, but when you’re capturing imagination en mass there remain few people as qualified as Kevin McCloud or if you prefer, Scotty Cam, to help disseminate these ideals. And looking beyond DIY and design, if you pay any attention to any cooking shows on the box, you’ll know that growing your own food is just about as revered as Matt Preston’s cravat – it imbues demi-god status upon any budding cook. Even the average ones.
In light of all this popular culture, the desire to lighten your footprint on the earth while creating a happy, healthy home now simply seems like common sense, especially when Australia is blessed with so much opportunity to seamlessly incorporate sustainability into our everyday. The only barrier, if you can call it as such, is finding the right guide to relate to your lifestyle.
Enter Adelaide’s Helen Edwards, award winning writer, blogger, consultant and speaker. After founding her blog Recycled Interiors in 2013, Edwards has become something of an authority upon seamlessly incorporating sustainability into the everyday. Over recent years, her online crusade extended as far as the Huffington Post while also catching the eye several ‘names’ of the sustainability movement. So, it only seemed logical for her to gather all of the collective knowledge of these newfound friends together into a more traditional form – a e-book (yep, it’s traditional because Kindle has been around for almost a decade now).
Edwards’ new title, ‘Healthy Planet, Healthy People, Healthy Home – Create a Sustainable Home You Love’, is a curation of tips and tricks from a variety of contributors including celebrity cook Maggie Beer, Barry DuBois from The Living Room and Kate St James, editor of Grand Designs Magazine. It also includes goodness from the Recycled Interiors community and bloggers and creatives she has met along the way.
The goal in all of this is somewhat humble; to help you to feel good about you, your home and everyday life while also inspiring you to think before you buy. Split into three sections – Design, Build, Decorate, Grow, Cook, Eat and Create, Make, Do It Yourself – not a stone is left unturned in the quest to provide the ultimate sustainability resource.
Just in time for World Environment Day on June 5, which we know you had blocked out in your calendar, this is one of those resources you’ll keep coming back to, like the old Australian Women’s Weekly cook books. You can now pre-order the book online and not only get a discount on the price but also a bonus e-book ’30 Days to a Happy Healthy Home’. Not a shabby deal at all.
Follow this link to pre-order ‘Healthy Planet, Healthy People, Healthy Home – Create a Sustainable Home You Love’. Or start to read Helen’s site ‘Recycled Interiors’ here.
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