It is Eat, Drink, Party time… As we have mentioned in previous editions of Eat, Drink, Party, we are lucky enough at Glam to get to lap up the new and vibrant venues as they pop up but this time, we thought we would ask the experts from some of our fave Adelaide destinations where we should be heading out for a meal, a casual drink… and then perhaps a few more drinks and a bit of tail feather shaking. Because if anyone would know, it’s them, right!
When you are the Owner of one of the coolest spots in the city that is continuing to evolve and change since first opening in February this year, it must be tough to ever leave…
But for this week’s Eat, Drink, Party we hit up Leigh Morgan from Electra House to get his hot picks on where you should head around Adelaide:
eat: Peel St. I just love it there. The food is so fresh and just jam packed with flavour. I love that they create the type of food that you can just eat and eat, leaving you feeling full but not sluggish. I think that’s because of the quality of the ingredients that they use. Plus the menu is always changing, so it never gets boring.
casual drink: That’s a hard one. There are so many great places. Udaberri is still great. They have an amazing choice of drinks with their cocktails and wines always on point, and they have really friendly staff. Or Little Miss Dive Bar. It’s great how much that place continues to change. Combine that with great music, good drinks, food (when they’re serving it) and an easy going, fun vibe – it is always consistent.
heading out: Gogo Ladyboy. Hey, it’s just a fun time down there. It’s bright. It’s loud. It’s all about having a good time. The music is great and the crowd are always ready to party.
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