Food is one of our greatest joys in life and Adelaide is full to the brim with incredible food options. We can confirm there’s nothing better than a huge bowl of pasta on a winter’s night or a delicious fruit salad when those first days of spring start peeking through. Whether you enjoy fresh food, takeaway or dining out on the reg, you want to go somewhere that’s a one-stop shop for everything you need. One of these places is Burnside Village and local foodie Leah Itsines agrees.
Leah is an Aussie food blogger who is on a mission to help Australia make informed, educated nutritional choices through the use of creativity and inspiration in the kitchen. Burnside Village have collaborated with Leah to bring you the best food offerings in their centre. Leah and her photographer/food stylist (where can we apply for this job?) Mary Bills came up with three images to inspire your tummies and to be honest if we could reach through our computer screens and eat them, we would.
If you aren’t sure where to start shopping at Burnside Village for your healthy and fresh options here are Leah’s favourites:
Burnside Premium Fresh: They have an amazing range of fresh veggies and fruits.
Pasta Deli: with their range of fresh salads, it makes it super easy to stay healthy on the run.
VIVA Gourmet: The BEST STORE for cheeses – their amazing range makes it so hard to choose! You’ll find everything you need for that boss antipasto plate you’re making.
In order to get your tastebuds excited even more than they already are looking at these delicious images, Burnside Village are giving away $500 Burnside Village gift cards every week throughout August. All you’ve got to do is spend $15 or more at any of their participating food retailers (see below for the huge list), or $50 at Coles, and you’ll go in the draw to win! When you spend this, you’ll also receive a free Burnside Village market bag (while stocks last).
There’s still 3 gift cards to give away, so pop in store between now and 31 August to be in the draw, and try some of Leah’s top picks while you’re there.
Participating food retailers:
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