Food Drink

Feast your eyes on this year’s Long Table, Long Night

A night to remember! With Jackson Square’s newest offering

Photo Credit: Valentina Perez

The sisters behind one of Adelaide’s newest and most exciting warehouse venues are inviting all to experience their next offering putting on an incredible feast.

On May 20th, Long Table, Long Night is a celebration of local wines, incredible music, and of course; delicious fare from their company Cargo Catering Co.

Growing up, the parents of Jackson Square owners Chelsea, Nikki, and Meg, opened a restaurant in their house. On Kangaroo Island. In their lounge room. A doily covered the telly and the couch flipped around to make space.

It opened Friday nights only, but the parties continued well into the early hours of Saturday morning.

“Mum cooked all week long to prepare, our Aunt helped, Nan did the dishes, Dad played maitre d'”. Chelsea says.

And the three girls tied their full length aprons right up under their chins and served the food.

“It was a dining experience like no other we’ve ever come across,” says Chelsea. “One where our guests arrived in small groups but left having made friends, and feeling like the world was a kinder, happier place. Yes, the food was exceptional, the wine local and easy to drink, but there was something more to it.”

Jackson Square’s Long Table, Long Night is an attempt to recreate that magic.

Photo Credit: Valentina Perez

Join in, with canapés at the Hindmarsh venue on the lawn where guests can mingle and schmooze, followed by a shared table feast and finishing with dessert to fuel those late night dance moves. Entertainment will be provided by the uniquely bluesy Steve Gower, and followed with a DJ spinning tunes to keep things ticking into the night.

Purchase your tickets here, to attend this night to remember.


Jackson Square, 57 Manton Street Hindmarsh, SA 5007


Friday, 20 May from 6:00 pm – 11:30 pm


$89 per head

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