Before Midnight is the third chapter in one of the wonderful love stories of American independent cinema. It is a sequel to both Before Sunrise (1995) where Celine (Julie Delpy) and Jesse (Ethan Hawke) meet on a train in Vienna, and Before Sunset (2004) where they meet again nine years later after Jesse writes about their meeting and transforms it into a bestselling novel. Celine realises it is about their time together and finds him in a Parisian bookstore where they reconnect and spend the day wandering through the streets of Paris and talking of their past. Now we meet them nine years later again, when they are in their early 40’s with their children in Greece.
Like it’s predecessors, Before Midnight has been directed by Richard Linklater and stars Delpy and Hawke, who once again have formed a trio which has been credited for the screenplay. Perhaps this explains the natural dialogue, which makes you feel that either you are eavesdropping on something private, or it has all be ad-libbed, as each conversation flows so easily. There are only about four scenes in the whole film, but they are all filled with dialogue, so you don’t even notice it. Added to this is the fact that each conversation is quite relevant to so many people’s lives and relationships in today’s society that it truly feels like we are listening in on a real talk!
What I also liked about this film was, despite this being the third chapter of a love story trilogy, you are never left to wonder what they are talking about, as everything is explained so well.
It makes me think that this may not be the final chapter of this great love story. Here’s hoping!
Reviewed by Kirstey Whicker
Rating out of 10: 8.5
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