
Film Review: Cold Pursuit

Liam Neeson stars in this action-packed black comedy.


Spurred by grief and seeking revenge for the death of his son by drug cartel members, Liam Neeson as Nels Coxman changes from keeper of the road and Kehoe’s Citizen of the Year, to vengeful assassin. The action in this film begins almost immediately, and lasts throughout.

The black comedy is set in Kehoe, a town in the Rocky Mountains largely isolated and inaccessible. It starts with the death of Nels Coxman’s son, Kyle, an innocent victim of association. The loss and injustice creates tension between Nels and his wife, who struggles to understand him, a characteristic man of few words. His undemonstrative way, role as keeper of the road and, deer hunter, provide some credibility to his transition into assassin.  

The first murder almost comes about by accident after Nels learns what he instinctively knew, that his son was not a junkie and not involved in drug cartels. Thereafter, the intent to destroy anything causative to his son’s death is his entire focus.

The longstanding police officer of the town is lax in his enforcement and largely uninterested in pursuing explanations for the murders despite the continued efforts of his police partner. As for Nels, he is so fixated on his desire to eliminate all associates that led to the demise of his only son, he is completely unaware that he inadvertently started a drug turf war.

The film is surprising, you don’t expect that it’ll end up being such an amusing film; by the end of the film, it is virtually impossible not to laugh with each impending death. Having only watched the trailer of the film prior to the screening, this was not at all what I expected, it was much better.

Liam Neeson’s latest film is a thoroughly engaging action packed black comedy. Liam Neeson is no stranger to action thrillers and this film is based on the 2014 Norwegian film In Order of Disappearance.

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