Much mystery surrounds film producer Tommy Wiseau. He claims to be American and yet he clearly has an Eastern Bloc accent. He also looks much older than he claims to be and seems to have access to an endless bucket of funds that he can use to produce whatever film he likes without having to worry about recouping his expenses.
The Disaster Artist is the story of how Wiseau came to make The Room, a film he also produced, directed and starred in, which gained cult status after being branded by critics as the worst movie ever made.
In the late 90’s Wiseau and best friend Greg Sestero move to Los Angeles; chasing a dream to be Hollywood actors. Things are not going so well, particularly for Wiseau, so Sestero jokes that the only way they would get roles in a real Hollywood movie is if they made it themselves.
Although meant as a joke by Sestero, Wiseau thinks it is a brilliant idea and so commits the next few years to writing the infamous script for The Room.
The story is told through the eyes of Sestero, who is also Wiseau’s co-star in The Room. Sestero is well played by Franco’s real life brother Dave. The star studded cast also features Zac Effron, Seth Rogen, Jacki Weaver, Melanie Griffith, Bryan Cranston and Alison Brie.
Viewers would be forgiven for thinking that Franco might be exaggerating or over acting Wiseau’s bizarre performing and behaviour. But at the end of the film when a scene by scene comparison of The Room and The Disaster Artist are shown side by side, it is clear that Franco and his co-stars nailed every aspect. Franco is simply remarkable as he captures the look, voice and mannerisms of Wiseau perfectly.
The Disaster Artist is respectful storytelling and a painstakingly accurate parody of The Room and its original cast. It’s a fascinating insight into the unique world of film making and the bizarre life of the mysterious Tommy Wiseau.
Check out the official site here.
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