
Foo Fighters drummer passes away

Legendary drummer, Taylor Hawkins has passed away.

Legendary Foo Fighters drummer, Taylor Hawkins has passed away.

The announcement of Hawkins passing was made through the Foo Fighters instagram page.

No cause of death has been given, as the band was scheduled to play a show in Bogota, Colombia.

Tributes for the multi-talented drummer have begun to flow.

There was a petition for the Foo Fighters to play a show in Adelaide on their latest 2022 tour, which saw the band play in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth. It was the band’s first headlining tour since 2018.

The band last played in Adelaide Coopers Stadium in 2018 with Wheezer. Upcoming Australian superstars, Amyl and the Sniffers opened the Adelaide show and were also set to tour with the Foo Fighters this year also.

Before Foo Fighters fame, Hawkins was Alanis Morissette’s drummer from 1995-1997.

He appeared in the videos for “You Oughta Know”, “All I Really Want”, and “You Learn”.

He also appeared on Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill, Live show in 1997.

Taylor Hawkins was 50 years old and he is survived by his wife and three children.

Vale Taylor Hawkins.

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