Much more than an Adele tribute show
Reviewed at the Dom Polski Centre on 1 March 2019
Presented by Ray Lindon
Reviewed 1 March 2019
One of our generation’s finest female voices, and one of the most recognisable would have to be the lovely Adele. With three best-selling albums and a string of hits over the years, it’s no wonder that she is as popular as she is all over the world. 19Adele25 is a tribute to that wonderful vocalist; but so much more than a simple tribute show. This was just over an hour of one very talnted young girl, Erin Sowerby, who truly gave the audience one hell of a performance.
With a beautifully lit stage at the GC Grand Central, Dom Polski Centre, and large room with excellent acoustics, this was the perfect venue for a performance like this. Backed by a six-piece band, including two female backing singers and Ray Lindon on piano, the stage was set. Opening with one of Adele’s more recent and iconic songs Hello, it was clear from the start of the show that this was not just a tribute act. It actually felt like being at an Adele concert, simply because Sowerby has truly mastered performing as this particular artist. It’s very evident she has taken the time to learn Adele’s mannerisms, from speaking to the audience just like Adele does, to the raspy tones and slight growls she does in certain songs.
All three of Adele’s award-winning albums are covered here, right from her early debut 19, to her more recently released 25. There is even a nod to the Oscar winning song Skyfall, with the six-piece band really getting behind Sowerby and is one of the highlights of the show.
Audience participation is also encouraged throughout, including singing along to the famous chorus of Someone Like You, to getting the phones out and lighting up the room. Sowerby performs with such charm and charisma, and just like Adele is a pure natural talent. Attempting to master the vocal talents of such a name is not an easy task, yet somehow she makes it seems effortless and so enjoyable to watch.
It is such a shame this was a one-off event, but if the standing ovation and call for encore are anything to go by, this is not the last we will be seeing of young Erin Sowerby. With such an outstanding voice, and obvious charisma to work the stage and audience, it’s very safe to say we will be seeing a lot more to come!
Reviewed by Daniel Knowles
One night only – Season Ended
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