Adelaide Fringe

Fringe Review: Come Together – The Beatles Rock Show

Come Together – The Beatles Rock Show is an excellent example of the result of combining the ground-breaking music of The Beatles with a fresh approach and a group of very talented musicians

Come Together - The Beatles Rock Show is an excellent example of the result of combining the ground-breaking music of The Beatles with a fresh approach and a group of very talented musicians

Presented by: The Little Things Productions
Reviewed: 8 March, 2024

I’ve seen a lot of shows in my life — theatre, music concerts and events are a huge part of my life. There have been very few moments where I’ve walked out of a show and struggled to put into writing how good a show is. Come Together – The Beatles Rock Show is one of those shows. Sadly this year’s season has ended, but keep your eyes out as it is a ‘must see’ if it comes around again.

Rachel Vidoni and her band are onto a real winner with this show…and the Fringe audiences seem to agree as Come Together – The Beatles Rock Show certainly rocked The Virago in Gluttony.

The Beatles’ music is iconic. They took the world by storm and completely redefined the music industry. Taking on their music is no easy feat, especially when you take their already well-structured, brilliant music and reimagine them with a rock flair. Does Come Together – The Beatles Rock Show succeed in doing this?…Yes, and then some.

Packing more hits than you could imagine into this hour-long celebration, Rachel Vidoni and her band have reimagined these Beatles’ hits in unexpected and marvellous ways. Vidoni’s voice is in a league of its own. It packs a punch in the up-tempo numbers with a brilliant belt and excellent diction. We also see a wonderfully tender and emotive side during some of the slower ballads. Vidoni is a captivating performer who draws the audience in through her story-telling and connection to the music. 

The band is world-class. Featuring Cam Blokland (lead guitar), Danny Leo (drums), Lee Nash (bass) Jack Strempel (keys), Kylie Ferreira and Emily Isaacs (backing vocals), they never missed a beat. Their musicality was sensational and they had you dancing along. Speaking of dancing, the cast was rounded out by two excellent dancers, Maddie Lochert and Rachel Durski.

With so many wonderful moments it’s hard to find a favourite moment in the show. But, the one Beatles hit that I still have ringing in my ears was their cover of Help. Combining elements of The Beatles original version (rocked up, naturally), Vidoni also tipped her hat to the legendary John Farnham and his sensational version of the piece. Vidoni did not hold back in this number as she pulled out all the vocal tricks.

Come Together – The Beatles Rock Show is an excellent example of the result of combining the ground-breaking music of The Beatles with a fresh approach and a group of very talented musicians. It is one of those shows I’ll be talking about for a long time to come.

Reviewed by Ben Stefanoff

Venue: The Virago – Gluttony
Season: ended

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