Adelaide Fringe

Fringe Review: In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience

A relaxed and entertaining fringe experience that blends comedy with a wine sampling experience.

A relaxed and entertaining fringe experience that blends comedy with a wine sampling experience.

Presented by: Sweeney and Ethan Presents
Reviewed: 6 March, 2023

In Pour Taste: A Comedy Wine Tasting Experience did as described on their label. It is a fun, banter-style comedy wine tasting that informs on the wine while not taking itself too seriously.

The show promises five wine tastings accompanied by ‘at least five jokes’. It did just that. There were two whites, a rose, and two reds as part of the wine tasting that was delivered in a casual dining setting in Super Bueno.

The comedic duo Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh were smartly dressed for their roles as compares who knew the basics of how not to use a Soda Stream to turn goon into sparkling wine. In contrast was the actual wine expert for the evening, Henry Doyle, in casual attire and a manner that wanders into passionate seriousness about the wine itself.

Preston and Cavanagh leaned into the ‘dad’ style of jokes around their personal anecdotes of their own wine experiences. There was a comfortable familiarity in how they bantered with one of the pair deliberately forcing a joke to allow the other to connect more with the audience and act as an external commentator on the humour.

Doyle began the explanations of the wine with his own memories connecting to what the smell and taste reminded him of, although this does drift away slightly as he got lost in his clear excitement for the product. The tension was broken with BS bells the comedians used for ad lib interjections.

There was a fun, easy-going nature to the show, with splattering of blue humour to test the edges. It was a fantastic blend of light-entertainment comedy and informative notes set to a steady pace that is sometimes missing from meeting larger venues strict performance time slots. It was a great way to mix up the sheer velocity of Mad March with a sit-down restaurant spaced show.

In Pour Taste has completed their 2023 Fringe Festival run but will be returning for Fringe in 2024.

Reviewed by Alex Dunkin

Venue: Super Bueno, 13 Gouger Street
Season: Season ended
Duration: 90mins

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