Fringe reviews require a rating out of 5 stars. I’ve given these guys 5, because I’m not allowed to give them 6
Presented by: Ben Francis
Reviewed: 18 February, 2024
The 60 Four are fast becoming one of Australia’s favourite tribute acts. With tons of talent and personality, these four blokes need a total of about five seconds to win over the crowd and assure everyone within earshot that they’re in for a great night.
This is the kind of show we normally see from the Eastern states. Not because we don’t have what it takes here in SA, we just don’t seem to have as much success as Melbourne or Sydney when it comes to promoting such embraceable talent. But the Eastern states could learn from production-genius Ben Francis on this one. This is fun, polished, and hot.
And of course, “hot” is the word. Adelaide in February is not where you want to be wearing a jacket and tie. Let alone wearing a jacket and tie and performing clever choreography while belting out 70’s classics. But, you wouldn’t know if from watching The 60 Four on Sunday night. They were in their element, and loving it, and so they should.
The 70’s hits you want to hear are included. Too many to name them all, however their rendition of Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now and Kiss’ I Was Made For Loving You make the ticket price worth it alone.
Fringe reviews require a rating out of 5 stars. I’ve given these guys 5, because I’m not allowed to give them 6. The Adelaide Fringe Festival attracts talent from around the globe, yet here’s four Adelaide boys, in a 100% self-produced, independent, South Australian production that blows audiences away Australia-wide.
The bad news is, Sunday was the last performance of this show. But forget that, the good news is, The 60 Four have another show they’re touring our fair state with. “The 60 Four: Live In Concert” takes in 6 venues around SA for Adelaide Fringe 2024, including Norwood, Noarlunga, Elizabeth, Renmark, Port Pirie, and Whyalla.
No question, get along and see whichever of The 60 Four’s shows that you can. You won’t want the show to end, and you’ll be grooving all the way home.
Reviewed by Doug Phillips
Venue: The Flamingo at Gluttony – Rymill Park
Season: Ended
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