Goolwa Beach is once again open for recreational fishing for bivalve molluscs including Pipi (Goolwa Cockle) with the season also being extended until 23 August.
The re-opening includes the entire Goolwa Beach from the Murray Mouth to Middleton Point near Mill Terrace at Middleton.
It follows the closure of Goolwa Beach to recreational fishing of bivalve molluscs in January as a precautionary measure after the detection of E.coli above what is safe for human consumption.
E.coli is a type of bacteria which can cause serious food poisoning when consumed.
“Following a request from RecFish SA and knowing how popular recreational Pipi fishing is, the State Government agreed to investigate the risks of extending the season given the unusual impacts from the recent River Murray flood event,” Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven says.
Water and shellfish quality, monitored regularly throughout the closure period, has now returned to a normal level and therefore safe for recreational fishers to collect and eat Pipis.
As a result of the impact to the traditional recreational fishing season, the State Government has also decided to extend the season by 12 weeks with the new closure date to now be 23 August.
This has been following supporting advice from the South Australian Research and Development Institute (SARDI).
“I am pleased that the science has provided the confidence for an extension to the traditional season to be implemented, with the new closing date to be in effect before the peak Spring spawning season,” Clare says.
“While I encourage recreational fishers to enjoy the re-opening of the pipi season and utilise the extended period that it will remain open, it’s important that everyone stay within bag and vehicle limits that are available on the PIRSA website.”
For full details on the resumption of Pipi fishing at Goolwa Beach and the extension of the recreational fishing season and reminders on the on size and bag limits, click here, or the SA Recreational Fishing Guide app.
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