Television presenter, stylist, makeup artist, philanthropist, tea enthusiast, wife to an iconic Australian musician and most importantly mum.
And the list could still go on. Jules Sebastian is for all intents and purposes a stylish supermum. How you can look so effortlessly stylish when you’ve got two little ones under the age of three is beyond me. But Jules not only manages this, she excels at it.
Here at Glam we were lucky to catch her in a rare quiet moment to have a chat about her life, her loves and her new role as an Ambassador for PlayKids.
As she answered the phone this morning she began with “Can you hear me properly? I’m just in a shop at the moment… searching for a dress for the Logies actually!” Multitasking at it’s finest. And for an iconic Aussie red carpet event no less. I tried to casually play it off like this was a type of conversation I had all the time, but inside I was fan-girling a little.
We know her widely as the wife of one of our South Australian homegrown stars Guy Sebastian, but Jules’ independent career is one for us to be in awe of. Her television career began with MTV’s Style Me and highlighted her as not only a wonderful stylist but also an effervescent personality who is relaxed and cheerful all rolled into one.
Now in addition to creating looks for celebrity clients, creating her new online interview segment ‘Tea with Jules’, working with her and Guy’s own charity The Sebastian Foundation, she has gotten on board with one of Australia’s hottest apps for little ones PlayKids (how does she find the time?!) As a mum of two boys, Hudson, 3 and Archer, 1 she discussed how leading a busy lifestyle means that it’s important and sometimes difficult to keep little ones entertained.
When Glam asked how it came about that she became an Ambassador for the fun and interactive app she told us she actually already had it before she was even contacted! So it was an easy natural progression when they asked her to come on board.
For those that don’t know PlayKids is a multifunctional app that’s really a one-stop destination for huge range of educational games, books, lullabys and the hottest kids television shows.
Playkids provides age-appropriate, educational and trusted content that is accessible offline anytime. Jules mentioned this is one of her favourite factors about the app. Not being connected to the internet constantly means not only are her kids safe, but entertaining them doesn’t mean chewing up massive amounts of data either. That’s a massive win in our eyes!
The educational content encourages pre-schoolers to explore and learn colours, sounds, shapes and more, and gives children the opportunity to learn and interact with a mobile device in a safe and playful environment.
The app also allows instant access to some of the most popular television programs in the world including Mister Maker, Octonauts, Fireman Sam, Ben and Holly’s Kingdom, Olivia, Pingu, Roary the Racing Car, Angelina Ballerina, Calliou.
Luckily for us the new local Australian version will also include programming incorporating The Wiggles (Jules’ son Hudson’s favourite), Justine Clarke, Playschool and more. And what’s best is, it has new updates available every week, so kids never get bored.
Jules told us ‘what I loved its easy to navigate and use. It has a perfect combination of education and entertainment.’
We discussed how the age of technology we’re in currently is unavoidable in our lifestyles. ‘It’s the way of the world. It’s very present. I certainly didn’t grow up with technology. We didn’t even have a computer! We had an Atari. But these things change. And I agree that too much can be too much, in adults and kids. You have to find a good balance. I’m lucky because my kids are so active, they wont sit down all day anyway! You get that with little boys. But when it comes to technology I think it’s just important to be across what their doing.’
There are many debates of course about the topics of kids and technology and Jules’ addressed this perfectly ‘there’s going to be arguments about it’ she said. ‘But there are times when you need kids to be sat down and focussed on something for a while. Like in cafes or when travelling, or just when I need 20 minutes to have a shower and get ready in the mornings.’ How she makes herself look so stunning and stylish in 20 minutes is clearly some sort of magic, but we’re going to work on finding out her secrets Glam readers, so don’t you worry.
She told us about one of her personal favourite games on the PlayKids app that teaches little ones to clean their room and put their toys away. Hey, we at Glam think anything that gets them into that habit (and saving one less clean up job for Mum) is a godsend!
Her eldest Hudson takes after Dad, Guy and loves singing and dancing. Jules told us she loves that he can ‘Groove along and learn the songs’ and sometimes you don’t realise how educational and influential these things can be. ‘Hudson knows things I didn’t teach him. Shapes and colours and that sort of thing. One day he said “That’s a Rhombus.” I was shocked. I didn’t teach him that!’
When I asked Jules what the future holds for her she said ‘the honest answer is I really don’t know. I’m loving doing my new Tea With Jules section. I get to talk to people who I find really inspiring. Some I’ve met before and some I haven’t. Some I’m actually just a fan of.’ These segments are so inspirational and really heart warming to watch; although she did say in the very first episode makeup artist Rae Morris told her she doesn’t drink tea (bit of a sticky situation there.) Check out the latest episode of Tea With Jules here.
Other than that she’s just going with the flow. Obviously she’s helping Guy prepare to represent Australia in the Eurovision Song Contest which is coming up soon; although she’s uncertain yet whether she’ll take ‘the whole tribe’ over for the performance as it’s a really big trip for her little people. But all in all she doesn’t like to plan to far ahead as she says ‘you never know what exciting things may come your way!’
We asked if she’d ever thought about joining her two great passions of her family and fashion together and creating a kids line? And let us tell you even though she hadn’t consider it… we think we may just have sparked a flame there. She said she’d give Glam Adelaide the exclusive if that ever came about. So if you see ‘Little Sebastians: The Clothing Line’ pop up in stores, you know who picked it first!
Jules has such a zest for life that is contagious (even over the phone) and we at Glam are sure this will continue to lead her from success to success. It was so wonderful to talk to a woman who seems so empowered by her life, her family and those she surrounds herself with. She is truly an inspiring individual.
To learn more about Jules Sebastian head to her website.
Follow her on Instagram for style pointers and pictures of her charming day to day life at @julessebastian
Head to her YouTube channel to watch her fabulous episodes of ‘Tea With Jules’
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