Warning level
Advice – Threat is Reduced
The threat of this fire has reduced however people are reminded to take care in the area. Smoke will reduce visibility in the area and there is a risk of falling trees and branches.
For updates, check the CFS website at cfs.sa.gov.au or phone the Information Hotline on 1800 362 361.
A Watch and Act – Leave Now bushfire warning has been Issued for Willunga near the Southern Vales on the Fleurieu Peninsula.
The CFS has advised residents to leave now.
CFS firefighters on 6 trucks, supported by Farm Fire Units supported by 6 aircraft, including firebombers and observational aircraft, are on scene working to extinguish the fire.
Quick response from local crews and aircraft has halted the spread of this fire saving surrounding properties. Crews remain on scene continuing to work on making the area safe.
This fire is pushing smoke over the Victor Harbor Road and other local roads. If driving in this area please drive to conditions and be aware of Emergency Services working in the area.
The cause of the fire is yet to be determined and Fire Investigators will attend the scene.
This bushfire may threaten your safety. Check that the path is clear and go to a safer place. Do not enter this area as conditions are dangerous.
The WILLUNGA bushfire is uncontrolled. This grass fire is burning in a north westerly direction towards St Mathews Street. Conditions are continually changing.
For updates, check the CFS website at cfs.sa.gov.au or phone the Information.

Smoke from WILLUNGA Fire is impacting on the Willunga township & Victor Harbor Road area.
Smoke can affect your health. You should stay informed and be aware of the health impacts of smoke on yourself and others.
Symptoms of exposure includes shortness of breath, wheezing and coughing, burning eyes, running nose, chest tightness, chest pain and dizziness or light-headedness.
If you or anyone in your care are having difficulty breathing, seek medical attention from your local GP. If your symptoms become severe, call 000.
Homes that have been built to withstand a bushfire, and are prepared to the highest level, may provide safety.
You may lose power, water, phone and data connections.
Fire crews are responding but you should not expect a firefighter at your door.
What you should do
- Check and follow your Bushfire Survival Plan.
- Protect yourself from the fire’s heat – put on protective clothing.
- Tell family or friends of your plans.
If you are leaving
- Leave now, don’t delay.
- Roads may become blocked or access may change.
- Smoke will reduce visibility.
- Secure your pets for travel.
- If you become stuck in your car, park away from bushes, cover yourself, get onto the floor as the windows may break from the intense heat.
If you are not leaving – prepare to defend
- Identify a safe place inside, with more than one exit, before the fire arrives. Keep moving away from the heat of the fire.
- Bring pets inside and restrain them.
- Move flammable materials such as doormats, wheelie bins and outdoor furniture away from your house.
- Close doors and windows to keep smoke out.
- If you have sprinklers, turn them on to wet the areas.
- If the building catches fire, go to an area already burnt. Check around you for anything burning.
Stay informed
- CFS website cfs.sa.gov.au
- Information Hotline 1800 362 361
- For hearing or speech impaired users, phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 1800 362 361
- For teletype service TTY 133 677 then ask for 1800 362 361
- CFS on Facebook or XAlert SA Mobile App
- On local ABC radio, FIVEaa, or one of our other Emergency Broadcast Partners
- For emergencies call Triple Zero (000).
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