The Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife and Australian Wildlife Conservancy fauna survey team have finally captured another dunnart on the island.
The KI dunnarts are scarce in numbers, with this little lady being one of only three in the last ten years after considerable surveying efforts.
Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife has worked with private landholders since 2018 to protect threatened such as the dunnart and their bushland habitats with conservation funding coming from donors, philanthropic and government funding bodies.
Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife is a voluntary, biodiversity conservation program with the sole aim to provide protections for flora and fauna while bettering their habitat.
The program that is available to communities and schools, looks to support landholders to remove key threats to endangered species giving them opportunity to recover and thrive.

This juvenile female was found by the team last week during one of their seasonal trapping surveys on a privately owned property, Western River Refuge, whose threatened species are protected by a large feral cat exclusion fence.
The refuge where the dunnart was found is managed in partnership by Australian Wildlife Conservancy, Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife and the Doube family.
This adorable little dunnart can now live her best life in the only area on the island that is completely cat free!
Learn more about what the team at Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife do by visiting their Facebook page.
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