A new online tool will show South Australians just how bad their daily trip to and from work really is, and what else they could be doing with their wasted time – such as learn the basics of a European language! We personally think everyone using public transport should be reading Glam Adelaide on their commute home, so we just need to figure out how to cater for those driving… a podcast perhaps?
The app – available at
www.australiasworstcommute.com.au – has been launched by RAA in partnership with the Australian Automobile Association (AAA) to highlight the cost of congestion, and urge our Federal candidates to commit to improving the time and safety of the daily commute.
Penny Gale, RAA General Manager Innovation & Engagement, said while most people know how much their daily commute costs them, and many know it takes too long, very few are aware of just how much time they spend commuting every year.
“The Australia’s Worst Commute app will help people on some of our most congested roads, or waiting for trains, trams and buses that are late, or driving long distances on substandard regional roads, to understand what they could have done with their wasted commute time.
“In some cases, people could have travelled to Mexico and trained as a certified open water diver, or learnt the basics of a European language in the time they spend commuting each year – which is a real wakeup call. We’re all wasting precious time stuck getting to and from work.
“Once someone has worked out what they could have done with that time, they can share their results on social media, and let their local politicians know they want it fixed,” said Ms Gale.
Beyond the huge inconvenience caused to commuters every day, congestion is a huge economic problem.
“Australian Government figures show congestion already costs our economy $16.5 billion per year and this will increase to $53 billion, roughly the size of the agriculture sector, by 2031.
“That’s why we’re calling on both major political parties to commit the necessary funds to finish off the remaining congested sections of South Road, and to improve public transport – particularly rail,” said Ms Gale.
Adelaide, App, Application, Australia’s Worst Commute, bus, Car, Driving, Public, South Australia, Time, Traffic, Tram, Transport