
Open Space presents opensourcehome by Fee Plumley

Open Space Art Practice Inc is proud to support Artistic Associate, Fee Plumley, in what could be the toughest stage of her herculean lady-in-a-bus project, reallybigroadtrip.

The vulnerability of the artist in the new world disorder.

Open Space Art Practice Inc is proud to support Artistic Associate, Fee Plumley, in what could be the toughest stage of her herculean lady-in-a-bus project, reallybigroadtrip.

On self-exile from the trappings of luxury, but staying connected through the internet and random conversations with strangers, Fee has been travelling around Australia in her big red bus, homeJames. Deeply investigating the self as artist and working with the people and communities she has happened upon along the way, it’s time to share some of the journey so far.

homeJames_opensourcehomeopensourcehome finds Fee back in her Australian homebase, Adelaide, where she will make temporary home at the Queens Theatre from 22-24 July for three days of free activities and discussions, including the Open Space Launch Party.

opensourcehome will investigate how to thrive when you are privileged-homeless, and how to connect to community and society when you are without fixed abode.

Come join Fee, Open Space Artistic Associates and guests as they unravel the many angles to the ultimate questions around survival, loss, love, disconnection and community.

Each day features something practical (live art, morning constitutionals) and something philosophical (how legal and conservative politics demonise the different) as well as a daily Tugof-War reflecting some of life’s inherent tensions. Join our special Nomads in Residence, share your views in a Beach on Wheels and celebrate the launch of Open Space!

This project has been supported via Arts SA’s Unexpected City program and Adelaide City Council’s Splash Adelaide 2014 Winter season, both designed to create vibrancy in Adelaide’s city centre outside of the festival period.

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