More than a third of RAA Members don’t have someone they can rely on to get advice on vehicle maintenance and repairs.
“Vehicle maintenance for people who don’t understand anything about how a car works can be very daunting,” said Senior Manager Mobility and Automotive Policy Mark Borlace.
“More than a third (39%) of our Members also said they’ve been worried they might have received incorrect advice from a mechanic.”
The results from an RAA Member Panel survey coincide with the launch of a new RAA pilot program, OurCar, which is for Road Service members who would like some help when it comes to looking after their car.
“This program is predominantly for people who have trouble understanding the repair work recommended by their mechanic,” said Mr Borlace.
“RAA has the expertise to offer advice and make sure your vehicle is kept in good working order.
“For instance, if you take your car in for its regular service and your mechanic finds some extra work is needed, rather than calling you to explain the work, instead they’ll call RAA and we can help you decide whether the work is necessary and reasonably priced.”
RAA wants to reassure the mechanical repair industry the program isn’t designed to act as a watchdog that monitors their work.
“Through OurCar, we’re simply acting as a go-between for our members who don’t feel confident managing the maintenance of their vehicle to provide them with some peace of mind,” said Mr Borlace.
The OurCar pilot program isn’t just for people who don’t understand technical “car-talk”.
“Maybe you’re just really forgetful when it comes to booking your car in for a regular service,” said Mr Borlace.
“Most people (64%) rely on the reminder sticker on their windscreen to alert them their next car service is due. But many people leave it far too long between car servicing visits.
“RAA will give OurCar participants a reminder phone call each time their car is due for a service.”
OurCar is open to RAA Members right across South Australia, in both regional and metropolitan areas.
It’s free to participate, but places are limited. Please note; some members may need to pay a vehicle check fee to join the program. For instance, if the car is relatively old, doesn’t have full service history books, or has had major crash repair work, we’ll need to check it to make sure we’ve got a good history of the vehicle.
To apply to join the OurCar pilot program, call 1800 13 11 11 or visit to learn more.