Are you one of those last minute type people? You know, the ‘I will just wing it and see what happens’ kind of person… Yeah, we do that a lot too. Sometimes it ends well and sometimes, not so well. The not so well is usually when it involves a Public Holiday, the shops are closed and we don’t have the supplies we need to enjoy our day…
Enter our little secret… Now you may have already seen our Australia Day Guide but if you aren’t heading to a venue and are instead thinking of knocking up a little BBQ while you listen to triple J, but really you don’t even know yet, then read on… Because even if you don’t plan ahead we know exactly where you can go to get those last minute BBQ necessities, and it may surprise you.
But first – what are the musts for an Aussie BBQ? Well we think there are 7 key ingredients to the ultimate Summer backyard sesh:
1. Bread – because a sausage isn’t Australian until it has a fresh piece of white bread wrapped around it.
2. Tomato sauce – seriously… do we even need to explain this one?
3. BBQ meat* – sausages and Australia Day were made for each other.
4. Soft drinks – when one is indulging in an Aussie Day BBQ, one must always have some softies.
5. A hat and sunnies – don’t be silly, be sun smart.
6. Sunscreen – Like we said…..
7. Ice – Australia is hot, ice is not. BBQs always have eskies full of drinks and drinks need to be kept cool…
Spend less time organising (boring…) and more time playing because you can get all of those things at OTR. That means you can forget the supermarket lines (if they are even open) and just conveniently swing into one of the 130 OTR stores across the state to pick up everything you need. But ssshhhh don’t tell everyone, it is our little secret!
Happy Australia Day everyone!
*At selected stores only.
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