Directed by Scott Speer and produced by Jon M. Chu, Step Up: Revolution never strays from its predecessors, meshing dance, loud club music and romance on screen with nary beyond the surface. This time, a troupe of ‘flash mob’ dancers take on a wealthy businessman, whose latest cash-cow project plans to bulldoze a historical suburban neighbourhood.
Calvin Klein model and dancer Ryan Guzman stars as Sean, waiter-by-day, flash mob dancer at heart who alongside fellow dancer Emily Anderson (Kathryn McCormick) fight to stop Emily’s father’s company from building a hotel chain on their local neighbourhood.
Mixing themes of consumerism, love and the winning touch of rebellion, Step Up: Revolution has just that little bit more extra spice than your typical rom-com, but if you're after an action packed drama with heart wrenching love scenes that bring you to tears – stay home. A guilty pleasure with a cast that’s always easy on the eye, not to mention some smashing dance routines though, and Step Up: Revolution may just be the one for you.
Step Up: Revolution is in cinemas now