Pictured: Hannah McMillan and Emily Bourke
Emily Bourke has been appointed to the newly established role of Assistant Minister for Autism.
Ms Bourke – who is also the Assistant Minister to the Premier – will be responsible for implementing the State Government’s Autism policies.
Ms Bourke is the first member of Government in the country to be given the sole responsibility of ensuring the Autism community is represented.
“After years of advocacy by the Autism community, through emails, letters, phone calls and forums – calling for change – I can tell you: this Government is listening. And we have heard you,” says Minister Bourke.
“I am a mother of three, so I know that every parent and caregiver wants their child to reach their individual potential.
“But I do not have lived experience with Autism. That’s why I will establish the Autism Education Advisory Group and work with the Autism community to consult, to reform, and to make change. Together, we can get it done.”
Autism is a neurological difference in the way that individuals experience and respond to the world around them. There is not one singular way that autistic people experience the world. That’s why the term ‘spectrum’ is often used – to reflect the fact that every individual’s lived experience of autism is different.
Over 200,000 Australians are Autistic. 1 in 4 Australians has an autistic family member. Autism is also the largest primary disability group in the NDIS, and South Australia sits above the national average, with 39% of South Australian NDIS participants having autism.
Currently, autistic people are half as likely to complete year 10 than the general population, and three times more likely to be unemployed than other people with disabilities.
We are moving beyond talking about creating awareness. We are building knowledge, so we can create lasting cultural change across the community.
“I have heard from many South Australians that the time has come for a dedicated effort from Government to make autism a priority. That is why we have created this new role,” says Premier Peter Malinauskas.
“We have made major commitments with the aim of implementing a whole-of-government autism inclusion strategy, starting with our schools.
“I could not be happier that Emily Bourke has taken on this role. Emily will be a dedicated Assistant Minister for Autism and a strong advocate for the Autism community.”
The Malinauskas Labor Government will deliver on its election commitments to:
- Invest $28.8 million to appoint an Autism Lead Teacher in every public primary school.
- Seek to increase the number of autism-qualified staff in preschools.
- Work with service providers, including Autism SA, to offer early intervention services in children’s centres.
- Develop a State Autism Strategy that will operate with the State Disability Plan and require all government agencies to sign up to an Autism Friendly Charter.
- Invest $50 million to fund 100 additional speech pathologists, occupational therapists, psychologists and counsellors for access in public schools.
Ms Bourke will establish the Autism Education Advisory Group, which will be comprised of Autistic people, parents with lived experience, experts, community stakeholders, and unions, to ensure these policies are supported by extensive and meaningful consultation.
She will also work closely with Human Services Minister Nat Cook and Education Minister Blair Boyer to identify and implement any necessary reform.