Presented by Feast and DeAnne Smith
Reviewed Wednesday 17th November 2010
Venue: The Lounge, Feast Hub, Light Square
Season: 9pm nightly to Sun 21st November
Duration: 60min
Tickets: adult $20/conc $15/clubFEAST $15
Bookings: Feastix 8463 0684 or
Canadian comedienne, Deanne Smith, had the audience in stitches with her sharp wit and rapid fire delivery, with the occasional song, self-accompanied on ukulele. This is sophisticated, polished and very clever comedy, something of which we do not get enough. From the very start, as organisers hastily put out more and more tables and chairs to cater for the rapidly growing crowd, it was obvious that she has a big following in Adelaide generated by her past visits. There is a very good reason for this, as you will discover when you see her show, which you definitely must.
She takes an hilarious look at life, love and relationships, leaving no stone unturned in her exploration of these human minefields, from which so many disasters can arise. Although her material refers to lesbian relationships, much of it applies equally to all relationships, and even some straight men in the audience, like myself, were helpless with uncontrolled laughter
Smith seems to generate a laugh or two with every sentence, the members of the audience laughing aloud and rocking back and forth in their seats. She also interacts spontaneously with the audience, her comments, ad libs and conversations adding further hysterical laughter. She is most certainly somebody that should be on your ‘must see’ list during the Festival, but booking early would be most sensible, judging by the crowd at her first performance.
Reviewed by Barry Lenny, Arts Editor, Glam Adelaide.
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