South Australia’s COVID cases jump to 12 after new exposure sites identified

A second press conference was held today addressing the newest cases in South Australia and a rapidly growing list of exposure sites, following the identification of the Delta strain in the state.

A second press conference has been held this afternoon, detailing the list of rapidly increasing list of exposure sites across South Australia.

Premier Steven Marshall spoke to confirm further 6 positive cases have been identified following the ramping up of testing today, linked to the Modbury cluster following an 81 year old gentleman who contracted the Delta variant during his time in a NSW hospital.

The additional cases have been identified from the Tenafeate Creek Winery in Yattalunga as well as one case from the Greek on Halifax exposure site. Both of these sites were identified in this morning’s press conference as the two most high risk sites.

The exposure time at Tenafeate Creek Winery was from 1:45pm to 4:30pm on Sunday 18 July.

A woman in her 50s, a man in his 50s, a woman in her 60s, a man in his 40s and woman in her 80s have all tested positive, but have been in quarantine since SMS messages were sent out about the exposure site on Monday. The infection of five people from one person at the winery demonstrates the highly infectious rate of the Delta strain.

Professor Nicola Spurrier spoke to highlight her concern at the short time interval between the exposure to the virus and the positive results coming through, which is due to the nature of the Delta variant.

There was no detail yet available on whether these new cases were all from the same family or private group, nor has there been confirmation of how many people were at the winery on Sunday 18 July. All the group are currently undergoing detailed interviews with SA Health to determine any further potential exposure sites.

These cases have all now been transferred to the Tomm’s Court Medi-Hotel which is standard practice, so there is expert medical care on-hand should they deteriorate.

SA Health are also checking credit card transactions, QR check-ins and manual check ins to establish who attended the winery during the exposure site, with both the Greek on Halifax function, and the Tenafeate Winery classing as super-spreader events.

There has been another case identified from the Greek on Halifax private function, which is a child of under five years old. There are currently no details on the clinical status of the cases.

Spurrier detailed there is currently a huge undertaking to have all people tested, with the school community notified and working in collaboration with SA Health.

There will be a dedicated testing facility opening up for people who have been at these high risk exposure sites to seek tests quickly and avoid the staggering queue times that have been experienced at other testing sites, which have been as long as 12 hours.

The exact location of these sites will not be announced so as to deter those who have not been at these high risk sites to overrun these new testing facilities.


Tanunda’s testing clinic is currently looking into getting a second testing lane, and the Victoria Park testing facility has seen an influx of additional staff come on board to ease testing times and boost the numbers of tests that are able to be completed.

Modbury Ridgehaven’s testing site will also be increasing opening hours with an increase in staff numbers to be confimed shortly.

Toilet facilities are currently being arranged to extend opening hours with portable toilets also available on site that are cleaned regularly.

SA Health has identified additional COVID-19 exposure locations.

If you attended an exposure location, you are required to follow the relevant health advice.

TIER 1 Exposure Sites – If you were at the below locations at the specified date and time, you AND your household contacts must:

immediately quarantine for 14 days since you were at the location

get tested immediately

get tested again on day 5 and day 13

complete this form to notify SA Health you were at this location:

Clovercrest – Drakes Supermarket, Clovercrest Shopping Centre▫
Wednesday 14 July – 11.00am to 12.30am (updated)

Evanston – Gawler and District College B-12 (whole school)▫
Monday 19 July – 7.50am to 3.30pm

Modbury – Centrelink (customers and front door staff)▫
Friday 9 July – 12.00pm to 2.00pm

Para Hills West – Gym24Seven▫
Monday 19 July – 3.00pm to 6.00pm

Salisbury Downs – Chiera & Sons Fresh Market (formerly Hollywood Fresh)▫
Sunday 18 July – 12.00pm to 2.00pm

TIER 2 Exposure Sites – If you were at the below locations at the specified date and time, you must

immediately quarantine for 14 days since you were at the location.

get tested immediately

get tested again on day 5 and day 13

complete this form to notify SA Health you were at this location:

Modbury – Centrelink (staff only)

Friday 9 July – 12.00pm to 2.00pm

Modbury – Modbury Hospital Emergency Department

Sunday 18 July – 10.30pm to 11.30pm (updated)

Tea Tree Gully – City of Tea Tree Gully Civic Centre

Saturday 10 July – 11.30 am to 1.00 pm (updated)

All South Australians who have symptoms of COVID-19 should get tested on the day symptoms appear.

Symptoms include:

– Fever or chills (in the absence of an alternative illness that explains these symptoms)

– An acute respiratory infection e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, or shortness of breath

– Loss of smell or alteration in the sense of taste

– Diarrhoea and vomiting

For more information: SA COVID-19 Information Line 1800 253 787;

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