
Spectacular Micromoon Will Be Visible This Weekend In Adelaide

Get your camera out, we’re getting a view of the highly anticipated Micromoon this weekend.

There’s a pretty rare phenomenon that we’re getting a glimpse of this weekend.

Whilst our friends in the Northern Hemisphere will be treated to a proper Harvest Micromoon on Friday the 13. Adelaide will get its own edition this weekend too.

So what’s the difference between a Supermoon and a Micromoon?

Despite the moon being further in distance from the earth in its cycle, which means it’s not technically a supermoon, it’s the brightest it will be at its ‘full’ phase.

So to answer your unasked question. Not much to our naked eye, It’ll look both spectacular and large.

When it’s up above your head, it might not make much of a difference but keeping an eye out during sunset, particularly on Saturday evening when the moon rises, you’re bound to get a gorgeous sight.

The moon will rise around 6-7pm this weekend so prepare a picnic, bring out your camera and get a shot or two of the gorgeous phenomenon.

We’ll join you as we moon over the moon (don’t @ us).

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