Prospect is adding some more art to its already gorgeous streets!
The insanely talented and very cool Lisa King recently returned to Bowden for her last mural of the year, and we have some sneak peeks to share.
Allday x Toby&Pete: A Fusion of Music & Art is a unique music and arts collaboration between SA rapper Allday and renowned graphic artists Toby&Pete.
We sat down with Vans The Omega, the man behind the street art festival, Wonderwalls.
Internationally renowned street artist Makatron was in Adelaide for a few days, check out what he was up to.
You probably wouldn't be the first person to wonder who the person featured in a gorgeous street art mural is.
We think they mean they'd like spray-artists experienced in murals, but the submissions are open to all.
Discover the ode of love being painted across Adelaide streets Vans The Omega. After this gallery, you'll never see our streets the same way.
Who is Frank and why does he have his own lane? We have the heartwarming story plus all the photos from the launch here...