The show is based on an interesting concept: the human hunger to take things to excess, almost the seven deadly sins.
Sherie Rene Scott's marvellous voice and the excellent arrangements combine to make al of the songs so amazingly fresh and new.
This was a great concert that gave Espinosa ample opportunity to display the range of her musical interests as well as show the enormous range of her voice and her ability to encompass so many different styles.
LaBonte's voice suits the songs and style of Cole beautifully, and his delivery of the poetic narrative is wonderfully engaging. This is a masterly performance by a hugely talented performer.
You have one more chance to see this terrific performance tonight, if there are any tickets left. Hurry to see Mr. Cabaret while you can.
Carla Conlin, with tongue firmly in cheek, explores the minefield that is dating and relationships.
Pairing two celebrated performers would seem a dream come true, particularly when the duo have previously joined forces with the successful Last of the Red Hot Mamas and Lady Sings the Blues.
Donna McKechnie is a real trouper; even severe arthritis and the doctor’s pronouncement that she would never dance again couldn’t stop her performing.
Sidonie Henbest has assembled a collection of songs associated with some of the great female vocalists.