A recent iteration of The Addams Family, that beloved family saga, this musical is faithful to its honourable origins – the original cartoons by Charles Addams, the ‘sixties TV show and the 1992 animated TV series.
Tom Geenwald and Andrew Lippa are responsible for the latest new piece of musical theatre to reach Adelaide. Musical Director, Martin Cheney has a new company to bring it to Adelaide audiences.
Lindsay Prodea, is very much in demand at the moment, with his latest role being that of John in Andrew Lippa's 'John & Jen'. Glam talks with Lindsay about the Adelaide premiere.
Martin Cheney's brand new company, Lydian Productions premieres with another premiere, Andrew Lippa's 'John & Jen'
Therry’s production of Andrew Lippa’s musical version of 'Big Fish' follows the father-son story of a man whose tales are larger than life.
Based on the much-loved TV sitcom The Addams Family, this is the story of Wednesday grown up and the comedy of errors when her beau meets the family...
The Addams Family are moving into the neighbourhood this July! It's the SA premiere of the hit Broadway musical about TV's all-time kookiest family!
Join sassy South Australian songstress Libby O'Donovan for a night of Jazz and Cabaret at Greg Cooley Wines over the Easter long weekend.