Bar 9 is a verified foodie haven and their refresh has some great surprises in store for visitors.
Initially, the team behind Lo. Ki didn't want the hullabaloo that comes with opening an exciting new venue, they wanted to remain, well, low key. But we're sure that this new cafe is going to be anything but!
Gin & tonic? Doughnuts? Why not both!
When one brunch hub closes, another (thankfully) opens!
The ultimate test of endurance. A new venue, a new meal or drink, every hour for a whole twenty-four hours. Find out where we visited, because you can definitely enjoy a meal in Adelaide at any hour.
They serve up some of Adelaide's best coffee and now they bring us an amazing new project that could change lives...
It will be like a coffee lover's heaven...
So coffee ignites a passion in you? It does with us as well, not to mention thousands of those who cast their vote in the Lexus of Adelaide ‘Best Coffee in Adelaide’ poll. Lexus wanted to know what made a really good coffee and through your facebook votes, came up with the top 5 places to get a great coffee in Adelaide.