Adelaide-based 57 Films investment in China continues to pay off with the company securing local production for a major Chinese TV series with a $2.5 million shoot underway in Adelaide.
Over the last 12 months, China has become Australia’s most valuable wine export market.
If you have ever even remotely lived by the motto: “here for a good time, not a long time”, the Chinese-built Haval H6 Lux may just be the cheapest car hitting Australian roads to help you meet your goals.
As far as dream stories go, the journey of Tibetan-born Sang Jijia from a child shepherd growing up in the country to becoming one of the biggest names in Contemporary Dance, has been nothing short of amazing.
Based on a popular Chinese cartoon, this animated comedy sees animal pals band together to defend against a logging campaign using every zany trick in the book!
A new epic South Australian party hub has been unveiled in China for the Qingdao International Beer Festival.
Chef Exchange, a unique television series showcasing the best of South Australian food and the regions, is set to reach a potential audience of up to 90 million when it airs on China’s Shandong-based Qingdao TV (QTV) from early April.
A mischievous girl meets a sweet-tempered tiger-like creature, and they journey to the mystical animal kingdom of Cloudland, a sanctuary away from humans.
Looking for something to do on the last day of these school holidays? Why not grab the kids and take them to ASIAFEST for their special Family Fun Day!
A Touch of Sin presents a critical view of modern day China’s obsession with money and power, and the fact that those without it can be pushed to murderous ends
The Adelaide Fringe could be South Australia's latest export to China if a potential deal goes through which will see elements of the festival taken to China.
Following on from a South Australian delegation to sister city Qingdao (Shandong Provence, China) in 2014, couture+love+madness was invited to officially open the 2015 Qingdao International Fashion Festival, now in its 15th year.
Adelaide Festival Centre’s OzAsia Festival was recently recognised as a finalist in the arts category of The Australia-China Achievement Awards.
In the lead up to the spectacular Oz Asia festival commencing this week in Adelaide, the focus shifts to Shandong Province – birthplace of Confucius and of several famous tales such as ‘Red Sorghum’ and ‘Dream Of The Ghost Story’, which are being adapted for stage for their Australian Premiere in September.
Adelaide Festival Centre has unveiled the 2014 OzAsia Festival program, which celebrates Adelaide’s sister state, Shandong Province, China.
Moonta Street is set to party large this year with the biggest ever Chinese Lunar New Year celebration to hit Chinatown on Saturday 16 February.
The wealthy coastal city of Dalian in China’s North Eastern Laioning province will soon be home to a replica Bird in Hand Cellar Door.
Premier Mike Rann, in a mark of friendship via furry animal diplomacy, has announced a gift of a pair of koalas to China that will take up residence in the famous zoo, Ocean Park Hong Kong.