A stellar cast who handle the mixture of comedy, cruelty and humanity well.
Another brilliant production from Red Phoenix now playing at Holden Street Theatres
Jeffery Archer’s first play begins as a courtroom drama, but develops into much more.
Caligula (Gaius Julius Caesar Germanicus) was the third Emperor of the Roman Empire known for supposedly sleeping with all his sisters, executing landowners to take control of their lands, closing granaries to cause starvation and taking the wives of his senators and putting them into brothels (when he wasn't killing their children). Also, he reputedly had conversations with the moon and adored his horse so much that he was going to make it a member of the Roman Senate.
The lilt of Oscar Wilde’s elegant language, meticulously chosen to delight, provoke and entertain, helps to confect a figgy pudding of fun crammed with bons mots, epigrams and wicked satire.
What would you do if you showed up for a dinner party only to find the hostess missing and the host upstairs in his bedroom with a bullet hole in his ear.?