With the Time Lords splitting into factions all vying for power, one group decides to bring back Gallifrey’s founding President, Rassilon.
Fourth Doctor Tom Baker stars in two full-cast audio adaptations of early Dr Who comic strips first published in the Doctor Who Weekly magazine.
Released for International Women's Day, these four full-cast stories celebrate the women of Doctor Who.
The Doctor, K-9 and their new companion, Anne Kelso, track down the Sinestrans on the planet Kembel.
River Song vs four incarnations of The Master, including two who are making their Big Finish debut!
Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor returns with a new companion to face the Sinestran race and a much bigger conspiracy to rule the galaxy.
An investigation of a murder leads not only to aliens hunting humans for sport, but to a wider conspiracy by the human government that allows it to happen.
When the First Doctor's companion, Vicki, finds herself on the spaceship which ultimately crashed and led to her first encounter with the Doctor, she decides to change the course of history by saving the ship.
The Doctor's arch nemesis and fellow Time Lord, The Master, recalls how he destroyed a perfectly well-balanced planetary system and in particular, the main planet, Glox.
Professor River Song meet a race known as the Discordia - time-travelling bandits with little regard to the laws of time. Looking like demons, they go around changing history to suit their needs and it seems as though River is the only one who notices. Things only get worse when one of them develops a crush on her.
The first Doctor, with his original companions, come across a planet where the child-like inhabitants do not die, then visit ancient Japan where they find themselves in the middle of a plot to murder the Shogun and wrestle power from him.
Michelle Ryan reprises her Dr Who television role as Lady Christina, who comes from a rich background and she spends her time being one of the most successful cat burglars on the planet.
Four narrated stories set across the Eleventh Doctor's era and featuring Amy Pond, Clara Oswald and previous characters that shared those same adventures.
The Doctor arrives to find scavengers, a deserted London and UNIT requesting his presence in the drought-ridden city. It is all part of a plot by the Cybermen to hold the world for ransom and the Doctor and UNIT have very little time to save the planet.
Four new Doctor Who adventures set around the Second Doctor era and told from the companion's viewpoint, featuring several of the original TV actors reprising their roles including those of Jamie, Polly and Zoe.
Four original, stand-alone audio adventures about the Tenth Doctor and his companions, with each story covering a different part of the Tenth Doctor’s timeline from his earliest adventures with Rose Tyler, through to companions Martha Jones and Donna Noble.
This year's Supanova is not one to be missed. Vampire Diaries heartthrob alongside many other fan favourites are to grace the lineup for 2018.
Travelling back to civilisation after a mission seems like the boring end to a job and, for a while, Gwen Cooper and her husband Rhys Williams think everything has wrapped up but there appears to be no sign of any village or technology available.
Georgia Tennant (nee Moffett) reprises her television role as The Doctor's Daughter in a brand new full-cast audio series of four adventures.
The Fourth Doctor and Leela face four more full-cast audio adventures, including the return of fan-favourite villain Sutekh from the classic TV storyline, The Pyramids of Mars.