Emma Stone stars as Billie Jean King and Steve Carell as Bobby Riggs, in this story of their 1973 tennis match, which became the most watched sporting event in television history.
An emotionally unavailable, self-destructive philosophy professor is opened up by one of his students & goes on to find a new lease of life by committing murder.
A military contractor assigned to the US space program in Hawaii falls for his no-nonsense Air-Force escort until his former flame unexpectedly re-enters his life.
Woody Allen tells the tale of a 1920s illusionist who enjoys unmasking fake spiritualists until he meets one that makes him question if her gifts are real.
Peter Parker is still adjusting to life as superhero Spider-Man when he is interrupted by a deadly new villain called Electro.
In a first of its kind partnership, Spider-Man will be the first Super Hero ambassador for Earth Hour inspire individuals to become Super Heroes for the planet.