So we know that you Adelaide folk love a good music festival, that's why we've teamed up with our mates at Follow the Sun Music Festival to give away two double passes.
With the warmer months rapidly approaching, a new Festival in Glenelg on October 5 aptly called ‘Follow The Sun’ will be a showcase of Australian acts that will provide an amazing experience for several new and emerging artists, who will perform among established veterans such as Bonjah, Paul Dempsey and Dallas Frasca
Adelaide is proud to announce a brand new addition to the Australian music festival calendar, which will take place in Glenelg on Sunday 5 October.
The Australian music festival calendar has just had another event added to this year's line up with the Follow The Sun Festival being announced for Adelaide.
As good as the new material sounded, the crowd’s biggest responses were saved for the well-known and well-loved older hits, to which everyone in the room clapped along, waved their hands and sang out loud.
One of the most prominent Australasian bands of the past decade, Evermore, are back. After taking a hiatus from music they released a new album Follow The Sun last August and are currently in the middle of an enormous national tour.