Movin’ Melvin Brown celebrates the life and music of one the creators of Rock n’ Roll.
While not being a Magic show or Card Trick show as such, this is great fun with Extreme Card Manipulation
Michael Shafar is a good 27 year old Jewish boy from Melbourne who writes for Channel 10's The Project, and is very, very funny.
Andy Seymour performs as Buddy Diamond, the crooner who's "so cool, he's hot".
The Flaming Sambucas faithfully all those ABBA hits that we love so much
This gig was one of the big successes of the 2017 Fringe, selling out, and taking both the band and Rob Pippan, by surprise. Pippan has taken a punt in reprising this performance and the punt has paid off.
A giant man’s hysterical quest to make you see the world differently.
Adelaide Fringe's biggest brick and mortar venue, The GC, has released its 2018 Fringe Program... and it's packed full of music, comedy and magic.
Presented by Such Cliché Reviewed 14 March 2017 To be fair to the performers, I am clearly not part of the demographic they are aiming at as I was the oldest audience member by a good 10-15 years. But that in no way excuses the many problems with the production. In this instance the company […]
Paul Dabek is probably the best magician at this year's Fringe. He is as highly polished as his black patent leather shoes, slick and fast with his patter, likeable and very, very funny.
Miles Davis is one of the lynch-pins of jazz: he redefined the genre and brought together outstanding musicians, to play some of the seminal works of the contemporary canon.
Paul Dabek may have nothing up his sleeve but there's plenty in his bag of tricks. He's a comedic magician who entertains with his quick-wit and illusions.
A new multi-purpose performance venue in the heart of the city has been announced for next year’s Adelaide Fringe.
This is definitely something very different and should surely be on every Festival must see list.
The five performers do a sensational job, keeping the audience in fits of laughter with the rhyming dialogue and the physical theatre antics, and applauding the music enthusiastically.