With a show that depends so heavily on its ensemble and team spirit, this particular cast is ace!
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals will premiere at The Goodwood Theatre and Studios from this week
A heartfelt biographical piece of theatre, performed in an innovative way
A fun, professional show, starring talented performers who are having the time of their lives
It’s not easy to hold and actively engage the audience with a small cast and static, un-changing set, but The Maids brilliantly succeeds
This latest production of the play is a wonderful highlight of the local theatre talent available
It was quite a wild journey at times and did honestly give a lot for the audience to reflect on
The tightest, funniest post-apocalyptic Disney-themed comedy you’ll see this Fringe
A hilarious musical comedy about family life and the glue that holds us all together, our pets
It is certainly not abnormal to see The New Abnormal
There is nothing “elementary” about this production. It is top class
A very funny and thought provoking show