Heathers the Musical is an adaptation of the 1988 Daniel Waters film starring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. The dark comedy centers on the ill fated pairing of sociopath J.D and Veronica Sawyer
Previously, Glam Adelaide's Arts Editor, Brian Godfrey, interviewed the female lead of Segue Productions' Heathers: The Musical, Millicent Sarre. He thought it only fair to even up the playing field and interview the actor playing the male lead 'J.D.', Gus Robson.
Set in present-day New York, this show considers the questions that 38-year-old Elizabeth, a professional town planner, has about her life and its future possibilities as she moves to New York City to start afresh. She’s looking for true love and a perfect job. The book of the musical extrapolates her “what if” thoughts by allowing her to follow two different pathways into her future, contingent on her choices.